The Positive Behaviour Support Program (PBS) is a voluntary family-based program for children and youth, between the ages 6-18 years of age who are exhibiting challenging behaviours that are impacting the overall quality of life for the individual and family.
PBS is based on the idea that all behaviour has a purpose and is influenced by its environment. Strategies aim to reduce challenging behaviours and increase the individual’s quality of life by teaching new skills and adjusting environments. PBS is based on family goals and values and aims to produce measurable results. As well, it is an internationally accepted approach which values team collaboration and community inclusion. When implemented successfully, PBS results in a reduction of challenging behaviours and family stress, generating an overall increase in both the child’s and family’s quality of life.
Service length in the PBS Program is typically one year. Parents meet with the PBS Consultant regularly to create a comprehensive Positive Behaviour Support Plan. Plans are evaluated and adapted throughout the course of the year to ensure success. The PBS Program is not a one-to-one child based intervention service; instead, the PBS Consultant meets and collaborates with parents. Some direct skill teaching with the child may occur as needed.
The aim of the PBS Program is to collaborate with parents and caregivers to create a supportive environment for the individual exhibiting challenging behaviours in which positive behaviour is more effective than problem behaviour. Together we will work together to build a support plan that will:
- Teach your child new alternative behaviours and/or daily living skills
- Teach you new ways to interact with your child
- Determine what motivates your child
- Strengthen family relationships
- Reduce stress and caregiver fatigue
- Increase the overall quality of life for your child and family